Fair Work Commission Issues First Stop Bullying Order

Fair Work Stop Bullying order
Posted by: AWDR

A worker has been ordered to stop making comments about another worker’s clothes or appearance in Fair Work Commission’s first stop bullying order.

Fair Work Commission’s Senior Deputy President Drake authored the order following a conference between the parties on 4 March 2014.

The worker who was the subject of the application has also been ordered to have no contact with the applicant alone. The worker is also prohibited in sending emails or texts to the applicant except in emergency situations, not raise any work issues without notifying the Chief Operating officer of the respondent, or his subordinate, beforehand, and complete any exercise at the employer’s premises before 8am.

The worker who lodged the application has been required not to arrive at work before 8:15 in the morning.

The stop bullying order, which is a new concept introduced in the Fair Work Amendment Bill 2013 took effect on 1 January 2014. Through this, bullying victims can now lodge an application the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop bullying behaviours.

Original Content Source: Reported by Haydee