We trust the Australian Government with almost everything, except the COVID-19 Vaccine. This is especially resonant now, more than ever before. With what we are seeing in an increase of enquiries around unfair dismissal Victoria, and ‘general protections’ as workplaces begin introducing vaccine policies. We dive into why so many people in Australia don’t trust the Government when it comes to the COVID Vaccine.
The search Intent of Australians Around the Terms ‘Australia’ and ‘Fair Work’
In the context of industrial relations, Google search data shows that the word “Australia” is used when researching workplace relations advice. For instance, Sexual Harassment Australia is googled more frequently than sexual harassment generally. Interestingly, Fair Work Australia is googled more frequently than the Fair Work Commission, Australia’s national workplace tribunal. Fair Work Australia was established in 2009 and replaced the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) following the introduction of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act). In 2013, Fair Work Australia was renamed the Fair Work Commission, yet people still prefer to search Fair Work Australia.
This data raises an interesting point about our trust in the Australian government. If Australia was googled at the end of these phrases so that people could inform themselves on Australian laws regarding fair work and sexual harassment, the word laws would also be frequently typed in. It is not. It is clear people are trying to find government publications and information regarding these two topics as they trust the government’s advice. We trust the Australian Government with ensuring we have adequate workplace rights and protections. We trust the Australian Government to provide our families and children with education. People trust the Australian Government to provide us with health care when we are sick or in deed. Yet, recent times have demonstrated a minority have a serious distrust in government regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines.

Small Minority of Employees in Victoria Facing “No Vaccine No Job”
No vaccine no job? Is it legal for your employer in Victoria to force you to be vaccinated against COVID? Questions searched my those that are not vaccinated in Victoria
With over 90% of the eligible population double vaccinated, there is a small minority refusing to be vaccinated for various beliefs. Some beliefs are due to cultural and religious regions, other due to the vaccine itself. Consequently, many unvaccinated Australians have lost their job. We are now relying on the Australian Government for financial assistance through Centrelink.
We rely on the Australian Government for so many different reasons, yet a percentage of the population only trust the Government when it suits them. The anti-lockdown and anti-mandate protests across the country feature thousands of Australian flags being proudly waived, yet it’s the Australian government they do not trust. A government that has made Australia the country it is today. Similar behaviour is observed in the US where citizens protest against the government, waiving the American flag and having it fly on a flag pole in the front of their house. We trust and respect our governments in war and crisis, fighting for our countries and selflessly risking our lives yet when we are asked to be vaccinated for the benefit of the whole world, we suddenly do not trust the government.
We suddenly believe there is a global conspiracy regarding the pandemic and vaccinations yet it is evident all our governments are trying to do is protect the health and safety of their citizens.
The Australian Government Has Spent Billions
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused havoc across the globe and left many people and countries in serious financial hardship. Whilst we have experienced a degree of financial hardship here, we have been amongst the lucky few countries with billions of dollars being handed out by our government. When businesses were shut down, the Australian Government provided JobKeeper payments to keep people employed and help business stay afloat. When people had to isolate due to being COVID-19 positive or whilst waiting for test results, the Australian Government handed out isolation payments. They did this to assist people in staying home and minimising the spread of COVID-19. Very few countries provided this much financial support to their citizens during the pandemic. However, a minority right here in our country still do not trust the Australian Government.
COVID-19 vaccines have been labelled as our ticket out of lockdown and to stay out of lockdown. We have been provided with free vaccine doses and free PCR tests. In addition, more recently free rapid antigen tests, if you are a Medicare card holder. Several countries across the globe still have to pay for testing. Many receive no financial assistant from their government whilst they wait for their results. Despite this assistance, there is a percentage of the population that are rebelling.
Do You Need Support with a General Protections or Unfair Dismissal Claim?
Whilst many workplaces across Australia have already began mandating employees be vaccinated based on Government advice, you still have rights. When it comes to the Fair Work Act in general, you still have certain rights and your employer must comply with the provisions for unfair dismissal and general protections as set out in the Act. Whilst in most instances your employer may have reasonable grounds to mandate employees be vaccinated, employees are still protected within the provisions of the Fair Work Act. As an employee who has been unfairly dismissed you need to consider whether it was harsh, unjust, and most importantly, unreasonable. Likewise, employees do have general protections against bullying, harassment, and discrimination just to name a few.
Not sure where you stand? Have you been stood down unreasonably as a result or not having the COVID vaccine? Whatever your question, we offer expert workplace advice and support to employees only. Our Workplace Advisors will assess if you have a claim for general protections or unfair dismissal. Contact us today on 1800 333 666 for a confidential and free consultation.